4, 925 Purangi Road, Cooks Beach

Sharply Priced Section With Mercury Bay Views!

Offers over $699,000

Discover the epitome of value and opportunity with Lot 4 - a generous 5432sqm section nestled in a semi-rural setting overlooking Cooks Beach. With a mix of native plantings already in place, this parcel is primed and waiting for your dream home to take shape. Seize the moment, call the builder, and embark on your journey to coastal living. The time to turn your dreams into reality is now.

Estimated Title Date : February 2025.

For more information call Merv or Hannah.

Merv Gardiner / Licensed Agent / Branch Manager
Cooks Beach Team
Mobile: 027 472 2219
Hannah Cook / Licensed Salesperson
Cooks Beach Team
Mobile: 027 868 5665
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4, 925 Purangi Road, Cooks Beach
Offers over $699,000
Listing ID:
Land Area:
5432 m2